The event is designed as a venue for discussion and exchange of experience among specialists studying the problems and prospects of border region development - its economic, social, environmental, political-science, cultural and educational perspectives. Seven scientific sessions and three round tables were organized as discussion forums for the exchange of scientific views.
Tourism was given of special attention this year. The VIII international conference included two scientific events: a session and a round table organized and conducted by Svetlana Kondrateva, a senior researcher of the Institute of Economics of KarRC RAS.
More than 50 people (17 online) took part in the Round Table "Tourist preferences in a changing world: sustainability and dynamism" and the Session. "Tourist vector of border areas development: potential, prospects and limitations". The leading scholars in the travel and tourism field took part as key speakers at the Round Table: Prof. Anna Alexandrova, Doctor (DSc) of Geography, Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Prof. Elena Kropinova, Doctor (DSc) of Geography, Doctor of Economics (France), Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and Assoc. Prof. Viliyan Krastev DSc, Doctor of Social Sciences, Cand. (PhD) of Geography, Department of Economics of Tourism Management, University of Economics — Varna.
Presentations were made by researchers and lecturers of Russian and foreign Universities, postgraduate students, undergraduates and students of Russian higher education institutions.
The geography of participants of scientific events devoted to the problems of tourism is a wide: Moscow (Lomonosov Moscow State University), St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg State University of Economics), Kaliningrad (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University), Rostov-on-Don (Southern Federal University), Tver (Tver State University), Kursk (Kursk State University), Petrozavodsk (Karelian Research Centre RAS and Petrozavodsk State University), Apatity (Kola Science Centre RAS), Orenburg (Ural Branch of the RAS), Pskov (Pskov State University), as well as Varna (Economics University of Varna, Bulgaria) and Mersin (Mersin University, Turkey).
Lively and fruitful discussions took place at two related scientific events. The collaboration will continue beyond the conference and lead to future theoretical and practical results.