
Scientific publications

Морошкина М.В., Степанова С.В.
Экономические потоки в развитии интеграционных процессов
Subject The article studies and analyzes the comparative advantages of individual border territories in the system of international relations, and identifies the prospective areas in foreign economic cooperation of neighboring States.

Objectives The article aims to describe the general situation in the individual national markets.

Methods For the study, we used a methodology of studying and evaluating a number of comparative advantages of adjacent areas: Russia, Finland, and the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

Results On the basis of the obtained and compared data, we have calculated the trade openness index to measure the level of foreign economic activity and analyzed the tourist flows in the studied territories.

Conclusions and Relevance In the context of globalization of integration processes in global society, there is a steady tendency of strengthening of competitive relations for financial, human, information, and other resources.
The results obtained can be applied when developing the concept of development of trade relations and trade policy. Comparison of trends and factors in the development of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation, Russia and Finland may help provide the possibility to find better ways of mutually beneficial cooperation of these territories at the national and regional levels.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: September 13, 2017