
June 15, 2015
7-11 June 2015 Ivan Timakov took part in Fulbright Program Summer School ‘Sustainable development of agglomerations’, held in conjunction with the National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’ (Moscow).

The Summer School was devoted to the formation and management of the urban agglomeration, sustainable transport systems, the development of "green" technologies, impacts of urbanization on urban ecosystems.

Representatives of 17 Russian cities took part in the summer school. Format schools include seminars and lectures on the topics of discussion, games and workshops. Leading experts and professors of the University Higher School of Economics and Department of Environmental Economics and Economics Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University were involved in the work of the Summer School.
Participation in school allowed to expand the understanding of the modern research lines of urban sustainability and possible applications of modeling urban environment for solving urban problems.


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