
Suharev, Mihail List of publications

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Publications in 2019 (total 3)

    Monographs, books, brochures

  1. Сухарев М.В. 2019. 228 с.
  2. Articles

  3. A social network analysis of cooperation in forest, mining and tourism industries in the Finnish–Russian cross-border region: connectivity, hubs and robustness
    Makkonen T., Hokkanen T. J., Morozova T., Suharev M. Eurasian Geography and Economics. 2019. Pp. 685-707. DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2019.1593209 (Web of Science)
  4. Типы цифрового неравенства
    Сухарев М.В. Креативная экономика. Т. 13. № 12. 2019. DOI: 10.18334/ce.13.12.41524 (RSCI)

Suharev, Mihail

Last modified: December 24, 2023