Petrozavodsk State University, forestry (1970-1975)PhD school at the Karelian Research Centre of RAS (1997-2000)Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population, RAS, competitor degree Ph.D. (2006-2007)
Institutional development of the regional socio-economic systems, sustainable forest management, sustainable forest management, forest certification, economic behavior, social responsibility of business
Member of the Scientific Council of IE KarRC RASMember of the Presidium of the Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of SciencesMember of the Dissertation Council of the Murmansk Technical Universityanalyst in ‘Socio-Logos’Expert in network ‘Nebex - Network of Border Expertise’ in the field of cross-border researchExpert in the project Stor Enso ‘From Russia with Transparency’ (2005-2006, Helsinki, Petrozavodsk)Expert in the project of Russian Foundation for Basic Research ‘Conducting economic and sociological survey of urban and rural families of the Republic of Karelia’, (¹ 96-06-88002-a), 1996Expert in the project of Russian Foundation for Basic Research ‘Problems and prerequisites for the formation of market institutions in transition economies’, (¹02-06-80482), 2002-2004Expert in the project of Russian Foundation for Basic Research ‘The organization and conduct of the expedition economic and sociological study of economic behavior of enterprises of the Republic of Karelia’, (¹03-06-88036), 2003Expert in the project of Russian Foundation for Basic Research ‘Problems of formation of the institution of property in a transition economy’, (¹ 06-06- 80413a), 2006-2008.Expert in the project of Russian Foundation for Basic Research ‘The organization and conduct of the expedition economic and sociological study of the formation of the institution of property in a forest reform’, (¹ 08-06-10031), 2008
Last modified: June 14, 2023